Wisdom from Jay

My son is a master of stopping stupid unnecessary fights. Too many times do we argue about things that don't matter. In a tone that hurt your child and your neighbors. He makes us stop, laugh, and focus on the important things.
To be Courageous. He pushes himself to his physical limits. He walks up to strangers and wants to play with them and he inspires me to go outside my comfort zone.
Perception of things it's very different from one person to another. When you spend a lot of time with a child you see clearly that you perceive things very differently. It's a reminder that adults do it too.
Energy is the base of everything. Children need a lot of attention and energy, without it, we're just a body with nothing to offer.
You don't need much to have fun.
"Time flies whether you're having fun or not. The choice is yours."
~ Mary Engelbreit

Love is all you need.
"Rough day, he hugs me,
Boring day, he makes me laugh,
Wonderful day, he inspires me to enjoy life more fully."
That we need to be silly, curious and laugh out loud. Many of us lose or hide our childish side when we grow older. Children make it easier to grow it back.
"Feedback" needs a calm and balanced person on the other end. I can not count how many times I tried to educate when the person on the other end is just not reachable. Choose your time wisely.
The age on your birth certificate says little about what you can do and not. You will see a lot of age recommendations when you have a child. Be aware that every one of us has our own journey and it should be determined by what we can do, not our age.
Of all the names I’ve been privileged to have, 'Pappa' is the one who gives me the most joy.

P.S. Huge respect for all the parents out there.
Thank you.