2 min read

When You Are Hurt Or Sick

When You Are Hurt Or Sick
Mt. Fuji at Fuji-Q Highland, I hope I can climb you one day. 

I will keep myself short today because I have been in bed with a fever for a couple of days. Is quite interesting that first when we get hurt or sick that we start to think about our health. Is it first when we are helpless that we can appreciate health? Maybe if we could do that on a regular basis then we could be healthier and avoid being sick that often. Could this also help us stay away from unnecessary injury?

"Health is not valued till sickness comes."
~ Thomas Fuller

Of course, sometimes you maybe do everything right and you still get hurt or sick, but I talk about all the other times. The times you eat sugar/bad foods and your body have to fight that instead of the virus it so easily could remove from your body. The times you push your body so hard that you open up your immune system for everything out there. It's for a reason elite athletes eat something directly after training and stay away from people during training periods when they push their limits.

I used to think that as long as my intake overall is healthy then I can eat ice cream now and then. But as I have grown and learned more I reached the conclusion that is just two categories for me. Will this food make my body and mind stronger or weaker?

"The food you eat can be either the safest and most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison."
~ Ann Wigmore

If you start with foods, then is just a matter of time before you start to implement this in everything you do in your life. I wish all of you the best health you can reach. So please enjoy your "sweets" in life but remember to categorize them before they categorize you. (PS. I don't say that I stopped eating ice cream I just know in which category I will put it.)

Weaker or Stronger

Thank you.