What My Parents Taught Me
Dad is from Sweden and he is a sports maniac, especially everything that includes a ball. He grew up in a Christian (Lutheran) household, but what he believes now, I have no idea. With a good work ethic, drive for travel, and always looking for adventure. Living life fully is his kind of jam.
Mom is from Thailand, growing up with strong Buddhist beliefs, and it is still ingrained in her now. After 30 years of living in Sweden, she has gotten a little "westernized", but I can see the Thai flower through her every time we meet.

Their Lessons
D. If you thinking about spending money on exercise and health, you will always get it back later. When my brain starts to question if this "thing" is worth spending on. Then my dad's words are a good reminder.
M. Shared her ideas and dreams and it made me a dreamer too. Instead of scaring and telling me that is not possible, she encouraged me to dream big.
D. Keep your word, be loyal and take full responsibility for your actions. This is one of the most impactful on the list. This is how I got wonderful friends, friendly colleagues, and bosses that take good care of me.
D. Be on time. People who have been in Thailand can probably relate to the expression "Thai-time". It means that the time that was scheduled can differ an hour or two in both directions. This was quite a culture clash in our house when I grew up. Being on time is interconnected with keeping your word, so I had to go with my dad on this one.
M. Service, gratitude, and kindness. My mother is one of the kindest souls I know. She is the person who would sacrifice her health to help another. So I learn quite early on that if you can not take care of yourself then it's hard to do it for others. But if you conquered that, then I believe that this mindset gives you the greatest pleasures in life.
Behind every young child who believes in himself is a parent who believed first.
~ Matthew Jacobson
D. Homework, practice, and if time over entertainment. It could be rainy, snowy, maybe -20°C and I still had to go to soccer practice if I wanted to play video games. My dad did not have many rules but this one is a keeper.
I don't know when I figured out that education, health, and entertainment are different things with big differences in outcome. But with that in mind, you can plan and spend your time more wisely.
D. Work ethic. This was something my dad showed more than taught. He worked 6 days a week without complaining one second.
M. Take three deep breaths before a stressful situation. Learning that our breath has a vital role in how we work. That is a wonderful gift to give to a young person.
D. Working time vs Vacation time. He showed me the importance of relaxing and enjoying life fully when given the chance.
Ps. Mom and Dad, I love you.