What have you been reading during the pandemic?

Many of us had to get into some new habits during the pandemic and for me, one of them was reading more. So now I am always on the lookout to find my next book. I would love to hear and see what books you have read. Please share your books over here, so all readers have the opportunity to see them.
Today I share with you five books that I stumbled upon during the pandemic.
Richard Branson - Losing My Virginity
Sir Richard Charles Nicholas Branson is a man who has accomplished more than most of us, and that's maybe enough for you to pick up the book? His biography will inspire and also show you the ups and downs of an entrepreneur's spirit.
Branson's drive, courage, and creativity to make an idea a reality are just astonishing. All this is wrapped in a lovely story that shows his big family heart and what he has contributed to this world.
"Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen."
~Richard Branson
Steven Pressfield - the WAR of ART
I must confess and say that this book is my to-go book, for firing up my creativity. It's short and intense (~160 pages) and gives you the juice you need to get off the ground.
Pressfield also makes you believe in the slow process and give you an understanding that greatness is around the corner for those who are willing to put in the work.
"Don't prepare. Begin. Our enemy is not lack of preparation. The enemy is resistance, our chattering brain producing excuses. Start before you are ready."
~Steven Pressfield
Yuval Noah Harari - SAPIENS
What an amazing author, and I don't know anyone that can educate you better about humankind than Harari. You get a ~400-page history lesson as us as a specifies, together with a better understanding of why humans behave as they do.
It's not a small read, so buckle up and enjoy the journey.
"This is the best reason to learn history: not in order to predict the future, but to free yourself of the past and imagine alternative destinies."
~Yuval Noah Harari
Matthew McConaughey - Greenlights
If you love Matthew on the screen then you will love him even more after you have read this one. It's similar to Branson's biography in the way that they inspire us to live fully, with their own life story. But Greenlights have a wiser and more spiritual approach to it.
“Life’s barely long enough to get good at one thing. So be careful what you get good at.”
~ Matthew McConaughey
Brian Grazer - A curious Mind
As a leading Hollywood producer, you can imagine that he knows one or two things about entertainment. In this book, he deep dives into the realm of curiosity, and as a living example, he shows you how it can expand your life.
Grazer dedicated his life to finding great minds to just sit down and have a curious conversation with and this book is a summary of these talks.
"You're are born curious, and no matter how much battering your curiosity has taken, it's standing by, ready to be awakened."
~ Brian Grazer
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