Make Fear Bearable
Fear comes in all different forms. Some are biological, spiders and snakes for example. In the past, it was a
Thank You For A Beautiful Year
We are reaching the end of the year, and it's always interesting to listen to our own thoughts.
Just Lunch With A Friend
With this particular friend the conversation use to go deep and philosophically.
We started with your North Star
Not easy
Always A Young Soul
Once upon a time, a young boy believed everything was possible.
He exercised until his muscle hurt,
He study until
Gratitude Wednesday
If we never stop and appreciate the moments in our life. It's hard to bring more abundance of
Money Thoughts
I just started reading Happy Money from Ken Honda. This book inspired me to write down some thoughts about our
Life update 22-08-31
It has not been too much writing lately, which is for a good reason!
I got a Job!
After taking
Beautiful Thailand
On Koh SI Chang you can still find a lot of locals, it's the closest Island to Bangkok
Moving Country With Family
I can't remember where I read this, but it said something like this. Sometimes you need to let