2 min read

Married To A Japanese

Married To A Japanese
Matsui Sisters & Jay


I must admit that my wife is not that clean compared to other Japanese people. But I don't think a Japanese can stay too long in a messy room without start cleaning it. It would only be a Japanese saying that it is dirty to let the laundry lay in the laundry bag for two days and let the dish stay in the dishwasher for one day (not talking about Miho).  Own hygiene is also a big part of life, my son likes the baths and I can't wait to return to a Japanese Onsen.

“It is often said that the Japanese are extremely clean at home, or inside any house or office, but dirty and untidy outside. ‘Go and look at a railway station,’ I was told, ‘and you’ll be horrified.’ I went and was horrified; horrified by the cleanliness of the place.”
~ George Mikes

"No Conflict"

Japanese tries to stay out of conflict if they can. My wife like many others is a "yes-sayer" and kind too. If I behave badly and it piles up it can bite me hard in the ass later.

"Conflict is inevitable, but combat is optional."
~ Max Lucado

Family Before Self

Growing up taking care of each other and the community, it makes sense that family will be important. I just guessing, but when many of them go into a "housewife mode" they automatically put family first and themselves second.

"After making my own small family, things that I thought were important, were now things that not even come to mind."

Asian Cuisine

Miho is definitely a big-city girl and when we first met the only thing she could cook was vegetable soup.. ( I am joking, but the soup was amazing). After we got Jay she started to cook more and no I don't need any other food. Love that we have a mix of different cultures at the dinner table. To pay a little bit extra to get the Japanese ingredients to Sweden is totally worth it!

"Japanese food culture has changed my mind on how to eat beautifully, gracefully, and healthily."

I Won't Discuss Money IF Not Absolute Necessary

I don't know the world statistics when it comes to how much people have in their savings accounts. But with the data, I could find, and the feeling after living in Japan. I can let you know that Swedish people's education and view on money are very different. The average Japanese household holds over 18 million yen and just 1/10 of Swedish household get near this number. I would say that for the Japanese money is something that is spent gracefully and it should always be there if needed.

Thank you
