3 min read

19 bite-sized lessons learned from coaches and mentors

19 bite-sized lessons learned from coaches and mentors

Mentors and coaches are something I believe is very important. Unfortunately, many of us have the attitude that we have to learn everything by ourselves. That fills me with sadness because that's just impossible. Sometimes these important people just show up in our lives, sometimes you have to go out and search for them.

Today's post will include my top learned lesson from coaches. Most of them are from my football career, however, all lessons are applicable in your daily life.

The team is always more important and stronger than the induvial. So take good care of your family, friends, and relationships.

No pain no gain. This lesson sunk in when I mountain climbed for the first time. After hitting the wall multiple times. Scars and blood all over my body my teacher just laugh at me and said no pain no gain. I equate this to getting out of your comfort zone. Not much will happen otherwise.


Everyone is hurting, no meaning to squeak about it. You will only bring down your teammates and your self-esteem.

We are no better than our last game. It doesn't matter how you performed last year or last week. Work on your craft daily or see your competitors outgrow you.

One-on-one would be the best training. We often complain if we didn't have enough players to play a game on training. It took me many years to understand that individual training is as important.

We are no better than our weakest link. This brings the team together and makes sure that everyone is growing together.

The best offensive is a good defense. You want to build from the ground, conquer the basics first. Be stable first and then let your creativity flow.

A crystal clear vision that everybody knows and is okay with. If not, they should find another team.

A good coach can change a game. A great coach can change a life. ~John Wooden

When your body says no, you say yes. You just have so much more in you, that you don't know. This "extra power" can flourish in a team environment or with a coach.

Know your strengths and weaknesses and also your teammates. Know the people around you and start to reap the benefits.

If you want to break through their defense we need to assemble more players there. Know where you want to go and focus your efforts there.

As Tony Robbins says, energy flows where attention goes.

If we are stuck, don't force it, just start over again. Sometimes you need to push through, but sometimes it's time for a pivot. Life is not a one-line game.

Different seasons. Take your season for what it is, but don't half as ass it like Matthew McConaughey would have said.

Imagine exactly where you want to go. If you just aim for the goal you will not score. If you aim close to the inside of the post you might will.


Everything you do is important.

The team that is going to win this, is the team that wants it the most. When you are at the top, everyone is talented. So make sure you want it.

Look up and see where you are, so you know where you are going when the time comes. Laser focus is good to get things done, but don't forget to take a step back and see if you get the right things done.

No one will remember this game in a year. After a huge defeat, it can be hard to get back on track. Remember the vision, enjoy the journey and get back on with your craft.

Extraordinary things have been created by humans, that are no smarter than you and me. So remember that all of us have a genius inside of us and that our potential is unlimited.

Thank you for being here.

A good coach will make his player see what they can be rather than what they are.
~Ara Parseghian