1 min read

Just Lunch With A Friend

Just Lunch With A Friend
Quality time with a friend
With this particular friend the conversation use to go deep and philosophically.

We started with your North Star

Not easy to choose one right? Money, Happiness, love, family, experiences, adventure, community, service, or health?

Should you try to achieve everything at the same time or should you follow different stars during shorter periods?

We arrived at, if you think and talk about it, your own path will be more clear. Seeing yourself in the future is important, but enjoying the journey that you are on, is the most crucial part. Don't forget the part that lunch with your best friend is always a good strategy.

"I don't know if you going to read these, but I hope it was okay that I shared these topics today. I appreciate your friendship and I am looking forward to growing this relationship even further."

Next topic The Facade

Both I and my best friend are quite open and transparent when it comes to other people. So our question here was how much should you keep for yourself? At work, with your best friends, spouse and family.

When we walked down this topic we landed on the 10-20% that we don't tell. Sometimes we tell our spouses but is it for their benefit or is it just because our ego wants to come clean?

We agreed that every person has their own limit and at times is better to keep the words to yourself. Also that all of us have our own problems, and it's easy to believe that they do not exist. In the end, we have to live with our own actions and is just you who can answer if you can live with them or not.

I ended by saying that we are humans and we will make our portion of mistakes and we just have to try not to repeat them. Wise as my friend is, he asks me what is actually a mistake.

Thank you.