2 min read

Importance Of Community

Importance Of Community
Gathering colleagues and friends.

The Art of Happiness in a Troubled World  (Dalai Lama and Howard C. Cutler) arrived at my home a few days ago and inspired me to write about my own experience when it comes to community.

I think it's important to mention community because we are more alone than ever, especially in western society. The culture encourages us to think about our careers and achievement. Together with that many people change company, country, and social ties. The community that was close is now so far away.

"The power of community to create health is far greater than any physician, clinic or hospital."
~ Mark Hyman

You can find community wherever you turn your head, in my case is usually some kind of sport, family/friends, work, and other small hobbies I have. After living five years in Japan I can tell you some of the differences. In Japan they have a bigger community thinking already from they are very small. Everything from doing the same things together to taking care of each other in all the different age groups. Also, making sure respect and cleanliness are on the highest level ( It's the people's responsibility, not the government's). Because they grow up with this mindset you can see this everywhere. Families have stronger ties, and hanging with employees before and after work is very normal, the same with a drink after soccer practice (do not have to be alcohol).

Sister, Aya, and Miho

Western is more take care of yourself and you should move out as fast as possible. You have the right to choose whatever you want and it's important that you can take care of yourself all by yourself.

The first step is to acknowledge that community is important and a vital piece in your happiness and health.
Then force out the willingness to search up and join a community.

But I can understand if it's hard when people only go to "after work" if it's mandatory and the company pays. You don't play any team sports and your family wants you to be strong and independent and take care of yourself. On top of this many have just moved to a new workplace, city, or country.

The science of having a strong community has just started but we can see results, like longer lifespans, happiness, less criminality, sense of security. But something that they also take up in the book is that when something terrible happens and you are at your weakest, the community is very helpful to get you back on track.

Will be very interesting to see if we can change this trend for future generations especially when we go into a more digitalized world.

Football team gathering

Exercise and work are important, but the time spent together with colleagues and friends after, before, and between, maybe is as important.

Thank you.