2 min read

Exposure To Experiences

Exposure To Experiences
First birthday in Sweden. 

If we want to grow or have a change in our life something new needs to happen. I guess most of you out there had your happiest memory or most joyful moment from an experience.

So my question today is, how important is it to expose yourself and your family to new experiences?

The first study I read shows a clear link between how basic exposure to experiences elevates your learning compared to kids that don't have it. Makes sense when you have to activate more senses and find new paths of learning. I wonder if this fades out a little bit like happiness and money. When you reach a certain level of wealth the "happiness curve" starts to flatten out. (When you know how YOU learn the best, then maybe the new experience is not that important?)

Achievement is very important for kids especially when they are young. So not too tough and on a good amount.

Dealing with a bad outcome

I read somewhere that your "pressure hold" is equal to how far you can go in life. Exposing yourself to bad/good experiences outside your comfort zone sounds like a certain way to lift that hold.

Pushing limits as a first-time dad.
"The only source of knowledge is experience."
~ Albert Einstein

My personal feeling

  • It's great for learning about each other and getting closer as a family.
  • Opens your mind and boosts creativity. (This blog post idea came after a new restaurant visit).
  • In Sweden we use to say that some dirt will cleanse your stomach. (Exposure to nature, new people, and new environments will strengthen your immune system).
  • You can learn a lot from the internet, books, and teachers/mentors, but going into the unknown all by yourself will give you wisdom on a whole new level.

I will finish where I started

Experiences are where you will create your happiest memories and the most joyful moments in your life.

Thank you.