Building Confidence
Confidence comes and goes. It also shows up in different areas of our life. But I think that all of us want to have a base to stand on. So how can we be confident enough to do and say what we want, without being arrogant?
I will tell you a little bit about my life, and how I have been building my confidence. I am not perfect in any way and if you ask my wife, she probably will say that I am arrogant at times.
My first confidence pillar was definitely from sport and exercise. When you take good care of your body, health, and also deliver good results. Then acknowledgment and praise are coming your way.
Learn to defend yourself. I enjoy martial arts for outside protection. Mentally, I need good rest, silence to clear my head, and a to-go-to "happy playlist" when I feeling down. This list includes songs from Spotify, YouTube videos, books, dramas, and movies.
Surround yourself with people that love and support you. Both personally and professionally. If you give everything you have, day in and day out, without getting any appreciation. Then you have to ask yourself if the place is right. I know that we don't choose where we are born, but what happened to us is now in the past. So the question is, how can we make tomorrow, a little bit better?
A family is a little world created with love ~ Tony Parsons
I believe we can learn from our fears. They can be guides for what we should do next. Use them to your advantage and if conquered, confidence will reveal.
Scared of small spaces and the dark I choose to work as a fireman. Scared of speaking in front of people, I choose to work with dancing and singing.
Have a vision, set some goals, make even smaller goals. Take one small step at a time and start to cross them off. Achieving goals and having a vision for the future will give you the confidence to keep going when the path is rough.
Go outside your comfort zone, do a lot of mistakes, and learn from them. When you start to feel confident even when you fail, you are starting to be bulletproof.
Study and share your craft and if people come to you for your skills, then you are on your way.
Take good care of yourself and the people around you. Listen to your intuition regularly, because you have to live with your choices now and when everyone else is gone.
A flower does not think of competing to the flower next to it. It just blooms.
~ Zen Shin
Take care of your finances. I will be careful here because my wealth account is not even close to where I want it to be. But I can you tell you this. A couple of years ago when I empty my bank account again, I decided that I never want to be this broke again. So a budget was set, and an account was made. And to see this grow every month makes me more confident and puts a big smile on my face.
Invest in your self-mastery. Make sure you grow in the areas YOU want to be better at.
Reflect on, why am I different, what can I bring to the table, what are the things that make me shine? Focus on your wins instead of your failures, your strengths instead of your weaknesses. Think about a time, when you created confidence and grow that feeling even more.
Control what is possible.
Success at anything always comes down to this: focus and effort. And we control both.
~ Dwayne Johnson.
Bring out your courage and take the first step. Learn and grow your skills. Commit, practice, and achieve. This is a good formula that I learned from Dan Sullivan called the 4 C's.

I want to finish with something easier said than done.