Beat obese, like a Japanese

Let's start with some obesity rates.
Adults that have a BMI over 30
- Japan ~ 4.3%
- Sweden ~ 20%
- United states 36%
So what does the Japanese do differently?
They honor and respect the food. They put their mind and soul into making the food beautiful and delicious.
They often use a lot of small plates to make you adore the food more and that makes you eat more slowly. They eat with chopsticks, which also make you slow down your eating. They give themselves the chance to fully appreciate a beautifully cooked meal.
Eating slowly gives you the chance to hear the voice of, it's time to stop eating.
Healthy foods that I and the Japanese eat.
- Miso soup
- Natto
- Seaweed
- Edamame
- Tofu
- Sashimi / Seafood
- Soba noodles
- Macha green tea
- Konnyaku
- Fermented vegetables (kimchi, pickels, radish, cucumber, eggplant)
My personal favorites are kimchi, sashimi, and natto. During wintertime, I drink more miso soup and green tea.
They have good guidelines from the government when it's coming to nutrition and education about diet already from elementary school.