1 min read

Autumn Leaves

Autumn Leaves
Shinagawa, Japan

It's starting to get darker outside and together with that our trees show their true colors. This is nature at its best and it deserves a post all by itself.


I looking forward to an ocean view in the future, but this view is very peaceful too! Promise to give you a photo with white tree tops in a month or two.

Trees teach us that life has different seasons, it also teaches us that it comes a time to let things go. Autumn leaves tell us that when we surrender to our truest selves, the world sees us for who we truly are, beautiful.

Chiba, Japan

What a gorgeous tree, grateful to be visiting at this hour.

Nara, Japan

This photo was taken on our trip to Kyoto and Nara. Always a wonderful destination, but especially in autumn and sakura season.

I know we live in a busy world, don't forget to stop and take it all in.

Thank you.