With a sea of research, tons of articles, and people talking about coffee. It can be hard to get to a good conclusion. First of all, for everyone out there that are highly addicted, tell yourself the question, do I want to be addicted to anything in my life? (Reading, exercise, meditation, creating, maybe?)
Most of you know that coffee has some benefits, for example, it can lower your insulin sensitivity, so go ahead and drink (1-5 cups) a day. But where I want to go a little deeper today is when we should drink it.
Many people like their morning coffee and that are for a good reason, in your wake-up stage, your body produces serotonin for you to get more alert, and coffee boost this process. But this is a natural process in the body that you probably don't want to "boost" too much.
Do we have a more natural way?
- Get some sunlight (through the window is not enough)
- Drink a big glass of water
- Cold Shower
- Exercise
So how long should we wait before we can have our first cup? After around 90 minutes awake, your hormones will be more balanced and a cup at this time will not hurt the natural way of waking up.